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GOLD, the latest show by Roberto Olivan, nominated for the Premis Teatre Barcelona

The show reflects on the richness of diversity, everyday normalities and the gold (light) that we all carry inside.
GOLD, the last show by Roberto Olivan, nominated for the Barcelona Teatre Awards L'espectacle reflects on the wealth of diversity, the everyday normalities and the light (la llum) que tots portem dins It is a creation of contemporary dance by four performers that will premiere on April 1 at the Mercat de les Flors in Barcelona TeatreBarcelona, the digital magazine of performing arts of reference to the city of Barcelona, has donated the tret of sortida to a new edition of the TeatreBarcelona Awards. A contest, which completes five years of life, and in which the public recognizes the million proposals and the million professionals of the scene that have passed through the Barcelona billboard during the 2021-2022 season. Among the nominees for the edition of enguany, GOLD stands out, the last show by the dancer and choreographer from Tortosa Roberto Olivan, which is going to premiere on April 1 at the Mercat de les Flors in Barcelona. It is the tract of a creation of contemporary dance by four performers, with original music by the Italian composer Riccardo Nova and performed live by the musical group Icarus Ensemble. L'espectacle reflects on the richness of diversity, the everyday normalities and the gold (la llum) que tots portem dins. A work that invites coexistence, tolerance, diversity and the acceptance of a mateix, along with a careful selection of performers that submerge the viewer in a journey capped at an exciting window of sensations. The users of the portal d'arts escèniques will be able to vote for the guanyadors through the website until September 12. The prizes will be donated to conèixer on September 27 in a new special format that will be announced ben aviat and that will be broadcast through the social networks. GOLD is a production of ROPA / Roberto Olivan Performing Arts, with the co-production of the Mercat de les Flors, L'OBRADOR Espai de Creació, Icarus Ensemble (Italy) and with the support of the ICEC/Departament of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain), the Auditori Felip Pedrell - Tortosa City Council, the Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy), ATER Fondazione, Casa Ricordi (Italy) and the Italian Institute of Culture of Barcellona.